The following rules and regulations are for the protection and benefit of all members. These rules have been established to assure safe and sanitary operation of the club facilities. Parents are responsible for the conduct of their children and are requested to caution their children to obey instructions of the Pool Manager and other employees. Any failure to comply with these rules shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate suspension of club privileges for the offending member for a period of one to seven days and can be considered sufficient cause for cancellation of membership.



  • All persons using any of the club facilities do so at their own risk. The club will not be responsible for any accident or injury in conjunction with such use.
  • The club will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
  • These rules may be revised or additional rules may be established at any time by the rules committee.
  • Use of club facilities shall be restricted to members in good standing.

Club Hours

  • 12:00 PM TO 9:30 PM weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
  • An area of the pool may be reserved by the club for group or individual instruction or activities Monday through Friday with approval of the manager. All parties greater than 25 will require permission by the Board.
  • Use of club facilities in the absence of club employees is absolutely forbidden! Application may be made through the Pool Manager for the use of the facilities at times other than normal hours. This application should be made in writing three weeks in advance and is subject to approval of the Board. Members making such arrangements must pay for extra services of pool employees.
  • The club may be closed for maintenance operations, health conditions, weather or any reason deemed urgent by the Pool Manager.

Member Obligations

  • Members must sign in at check-in counter and present membership cards for each family member entering the pool.
  • The cost of any property damage will be charged to the responsible active member.
  • Members should drive slowly in the parking lot and are not to park on the grass.
  • All bicycles must be kept in the designated areas.
  • Baby carriages are not permitted on the deck of the main pool.
  • Food and beverages must be consumed only in the picnic and snack bar areas. No food is allowed on the pool deck.
  • No alcoholic beverages allowed on the pool grounds at any time.
  • No abusive language.
  • Parents are responsible for the conduct and safety of their children in the Baby Pool, picnic and playground areas.
  • All members have an obligation to assist in maintaining a clean litter free club. Trash and recycling containers are provided.
  • Members must not conduct unnecessary conversations with the lifeguards who are on duty.
  • Pool management is responsible for the safety and comfort of pool members and their guests; therefore certain decisions must occasionally be made to guarantee that safety and comfort of the overall membership.
  • Violations of the rules may subject the offenders to disciplinary action by management and or the board.


  • House guests shall be admitted with members at guest rates. They shall not be included in the number of guest privileges allotted each family. A house guest is considered to be an out-of-town visitor staying at the member’s home at least overnight. Members may pay a summer guest fee for long term guests.
  • Members in good standing may bring guests to the club by paying the daily guest rate for each guest. Guest fees are collected in cash and are not refundable. Rain checks are not issued. Guest fees: ($5.00) Children under 2 are free.
  • All guests under fifteen must be accompanied by an adult member of the bondholder’s family.
  • Members must be at least fifteen years of age to bring a guest to the pool.
  • Conduct of each guest is the responsibility of the sponsoring family. Misbehavior may result in expulsion of both guest and member for the day.
  • Permanent baby-sitters may be registered as summer guests. This is based on approval of the board and payment of the appropriate fee. Baby-sitters must be at least 15 years old.
  • A fine of $25.00 will be levied upon any member who either; brings a guest without paying guest fee, permits his or her family name to be used by a nonmember to gain admission to the club, and commits any similar act to deprive the club of approved guest fees. In addition, all members of the bondholder’s family will be suspended from the club for one week. The nonmember will be banned from the club for the remainder of the season.
  • Each family shall be entitled to ten weekday and four weekend or holiday guest privileges per calendar month (guest fees are charged.) A guest privilege shall not be issued to the same individual regardless of sponsor, more than twice per month.

Health and Safety

  • All persons must shower before entering the pool.
  • Persons who walk in the grass or dirt should rinse their feet before entering the pool.
  • No smoking allowed on the pool deck.
  • Admission will be refused to anyone with colds, coughs, inflamed eyes, infections or wearing bandages.
  • Urinating and expectorating in the pool is prohibited.
  • Babies in diapers of pull-ups are not allowed in the main pool. Children must be toilet trained before being allowed in the main pool.
  • Pets are not allowed.
  • No running, pushing, wrestling or causing disturbances in the pool area.
  • No glass containers of any kind are permitted on the pool grounds.
  • No flotation devices are allowed in the main pool. Approved masks, goggles and flippers are permitted at discretion of the Pool Manager.
  • Positively no objects are to be thrown into the pool.


  • The diving area is provided for persons wishing to dive. There will be no swimming in this area except when announced by the Pool Manager.
  • Only one person at a time is allowed on the board.
  • Each diver must wait until the previous diver has cleared the area.
  • A black band designation is required to use the diving area.
  • There will be no diving from the pool sides in the diving area.


  • All children under 15 must have their swimming abilities evaluated before they are allowed to use the main pool.
  • Children under 15 will be issued bands based upon their swimming abilities.
    • RED: Non-swimmer – non swimming area only
    • GREEN: Beginning swimmer – Main pool except diving area.
    • BLACK: Diver – All pool areas
  • Children with RED or GREEN bands must be accompanied by an adult when at the club.
  • After testing, a band can be purchased or an old band may be traded in.
  • Each child must wear their band at all times while at the club.
  • Upon approval by the Pool Manager and with written permission of parents, children under 12 that have passed the black band may come to the pool unaccompanied by an adult. This privilege may be voided by the Manager.
  • All children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult after 5:30 PM.
  • Use of the baby-pool is limited to infants and non-swimmers. Only soft, non-rigid toys will be allowed in the baby-pool.
  • Children in the baby-pool must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Parents of children who are not potty trained must keep their children in protective diapers to prevent contamination of the pool.
  • At the discretion of the Pool Manager, children under 15 may be restricted from the main pool for short periods for “Adult Swimming Periods.”

Pomona Swim Club By-Laws